Check out these examples of live video streaming from churches here.
If you'd like to learn more about Power Sound of New England's Live Video Streaming for your church or business, we'd be pleased to answer any questions.
Please feel free to call us at: 800.544.0108 or visit our live streaming website at
St. Agnes Church
Dalton, MA
St. Michael's Church
Exeter, NH
“We have seen the fruit of Live Streaming. It is the one factor keeping our Parish intact during this Pandemic. We constantly receive thank you notes from our Parishioners and donations for the system have been coming in ever since. It’s so nice for our members to be able to see our church.”
Our Lady of the Cape
Brewster, MA
First Church
Cambridge, MA
“Following biblical guidance in the age of technology ‘Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’
Live streaming has allowed us to spread the gospel to thousands of people beyond the walls of our church and has touched lives beyond our physical congregation. We’ve even had worshipers both local and far away who’ve watched the live video stream of our worship services on our website, and decide to come worship with us. We are thankful for the technological ability to follow scripture and preach the gospel worldwide.”